2016-2017 Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Great Books
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The Great Books Program, administered by the Philosophy Department, aims to bring about a fully integrated liberal arts education. Through the study of great works in the arts, literature, philosophy, science, and theology, primarily of Western Civilization, the program challenges students to seek out what is true, what is good, and what is beautiful, so that they may become wiser and better human beings. The program engages the abilities to think clearly, to write well, and to communicate persuasively. When developed, these abilities are applicable to a wide range of career options within the social, economic, and political world into which the student graduates.
In addition to pursuing an integrated understanding of a great range of human wisdom, this course of study has two other significant features. The first is an emphasis on discussion seminars rather than lecture classes. The second is the use of primary rather than secondary sources or textbooks.
Major requirements include (10 courses):
- PH 105 - Human Nature Seminar
- PH 107 - Ethics
In lieu of PH 105 and PH 107, students may take PH 108-109 The Philosophical Life Seminar I-II, a two-semester course, taught by the one professor and covering the same topics as PH 105 and PH 107 but ordered historically. - PH 320 - Critical Thinking or
- PH 321 - Formal Logic or
- PH 467-469 - Focused Study Seminar Euclid
- PH 271 - Great Books Seminar I: The Ancient World - Homer to Plutarch
- PH 272 - Great Books Seminar II: The Medieval World - Augustine to Chaucer.
- PH 273 - Great Books Seminar III: The Renaissance - Machiavelli to Pascal
- PH 274 - Great Books Seminar IV: The Enlightenment and Its Discontents - Locke to Dostoevsky
Choose one of the following: - PH 275 - Great Books Seminar V: The Contemporary World
- PH 276 - Great Books Seminar VI: Non-Western Classics
- PH 455-457 - Integrated Studies Seminars
Choose two electives from the following: - PH 325 - Metaphysics: Theories of Reality
- PH 331 - Philosophy of Science
- PH 450-452 - Philosophy Seminar
PH265, PH266, PH467, PH468, PH469, PH455, PH456, PH457
As an introduction to the major:
As an introduction to the Major, we offer a course for freshmen and sophomores, PH 170 Introduction to Integrated Studies: Great Ideas, Great Texts, and Great People, which if taken would count for one of the electives. Each major will write a lengthy paper as part of a Focused Study, Philosophy Seminar, or Integrated Studies Seminar, as well as pass a comprehensive oral exam. Sophomore Year
Great Books majors generally take GBS I: The Ancient World, GBS II: The Medieval World, Honors Ethics Seminar, and either Formal Logic or Critical Thinking. Depending on initial placement, they may also be completing their modern or classical language requirement. The remainder of their schedules can be filled by Great Books or Philosophy electives, other core requirements, general electives, or courses for a minor or double major. Junior Year
Great Books majors generally take GBS III: The Renaissance, GBSIV: The Enlightenment and Its Discontents, and a Focused Study. The rest of their schedules can be occupied with Great Books or Philosophy electives, core requirements, general electives, or courses for a minor or double major. Senior Year
Great Books majors generally take either GBS V: The Contemporary World or GBS VI: Non-Western Classics, and a Great Books Seminar. The rest of their schedules can be occupied with Great Books or Philosophy electives, core requirements, general electives, or courses for a minor or double major. |
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