The accounting degree provides excellent preparation for entry into the business world. Critical Thinking skills developed lead to a wide variety of employment opportunities. Our students who choose to take the CPA Exam pass at a rate higher than the national average. For those students not wishing to pursue public accounting, the employment opportunities that exist include, but are not limited to: Internal Audit, Corporate Accounting (including Cost Accounting), Governmental Organizations (including cities and towns and the IRS and FBI), Nonprofit Accounting and roles in a wide variety of functional areas in organizations. Additionally, Accounting students have done well receiving coveted positions in Corporate Financial Management Development Programs. Many of our students go on to graduate school for a Master of Science in Accounting, Taxation or a Master of Business Administration.
Requirements for the Accounting major: Principles of Microeconomics (EC141), Business Statistics (BU121), Financial and Cost Accounting (AC111, AC112), Intermediate Accounting I and II (AC211 and AC212), Federal Taxation (AC213), Financial Management (FI261), Auditing (AC313) and Business Law (BU321).