Dec 19, 2024  
2021-2022 Catalogue 
2021-2022 Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Computer Science

The Department of Computer Science offers a major program of study in four areas: Computer Science, Computer Science with Business, Computer Science with Mathematics, and Computer Science (Teacher Certification in Computer Science). Our degree programs prepare students: to work effectively in industry and government jobs, to teach K-12 computer science education, and to enter graduate programs.  

Computer Science Major Programs

Computer Science:

The B.A. in Computer Science provides students with a strong foundation in the fundamentals of computer science, on both theoretical and application levels. Students take courses that teach them to analyze and solve computing problems and acquaint them with both software and hardware. 

5 Computer Science electives:

Two electives should be 300-level courses (excluding CS/MA 345)

Remaining Electives must be numbered above 205 or CS/MA345

Please note that computer science academic internships (CS 481 and CS 482) do not count as required electives. CS400 Independent Study and CS 450 Selected Topics in Computer Science will be considered for computer science credit on a case-by-case basis.

Students must also take one of the following:


Students considering graduate school are strongly encouraged to consider CS310 Advanced Algorithmic Analysis, CS311 Theory of Computation, CS325 Operating Systems, CS343 Programming Paradigms, and MA180 Calculus II.

Freshmen Year:


Sophomore Year:


  • Science/CS2xx elective
  • Language or Core Requirement*
  • Philosophy or Theology
  • *Core Requirement should only be taken if Language Requirements have been fulfilled


  • CS2xx elective/Science
  • Philosophy or Theology
  • Core Requirement
  • One course taken in sophomore year must be Writing Intensive

Junior Year:



  • CS xxx elective
  • Philosophy or Theology
  • Core Requirement or Free Elective
  • Free Elective

One course taken in junior year must be Writing Intensive

Senior Year:


  • CS xxx elective
  • Core Requirement or Free Elective
  • Free Elective
  • Free Elective


  • CS xxx elective
  • Core Requirement or Free Elective
  • Free Elective
  • Free Elective

One course taken in senior year must be Writing Intensive

Two CS electives must be 300-level courses (recommended for Junior and Senior years), excluding CS/MA345