Dec 19, 2024
2021-2022 Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Theatre Arts Minor
Required Courses: 5 courses/20 credit hours
Core Courses (4 Required):
- EN251 Shakespeare
- FAS/EN261 Beginning Acting
- FAS/EN 262 Beginning Directing and
- One of the following dramatic literature or general theatre courses:
FAH/EN363 American Drama and Culture
FAH/EN363 American Playwrights Since 1945
FAH/EN363 European Masters of Drama
FAH/EN363 Introduction to Theatre
- Elective (Fifth class); choose one of the following:
FAH/EN363 American Drama and Culture
FAH/EN363 American Playwrights Since 1945
FAH/EN363 European Masters of Drama
FAH/EN363 Introduction to Theatre
FAH/FAS/EN400 Independent Study (to complete a final project for the minor, in consultation with the theatre arts minor coordinator)
FAH/FAS/EN481 Internship (approved by the theatre arts minor coordinator)
FAS103 Creativity
MU241 American Musical Theatre