2018-2019 Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Return to: Programs by Area: Majors and Minors
Chairperson: Beth A. Salerno
Professors: Hubert F. Dubrulle, Matthew B. Masur, Andrew S. Moore, Philip E. Pajakowski, Sean T. Perrone, Beth A. Salerno; Associate Professors: Silvia C. Shannon; Assistant Professor: Sarah Hardin.
Two Majors in the History Department
The History Department offers students the choice of two majors: History and American Studies. Both History and American Studies are primary undergraduate majors, preparing students for a wide range of careers. Recent graduates have entered advanced degree programs in history, law, business administration, international relations, library science, education, public administration, museum science, and religion. Most students enter the work place at graduation, going into business, government, service industries, as well as human services, education, and related fields.
Return to: Programs by Area: Majors and Minors