2019-2020 Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Economics and Business
Return to: Programs by Area: Majors and Minors
Chairperson: Kelly Lalonde
Associate Professors: Gilbert B. Becker, Dina Frutos-Bencze, Kelly A. Lalonde, Michael J. McGuinness, Luke T. Miller, Amy B. Schmidt, Jennifer Wells Kelber; Assistant Professors: Robert Gigliotti, Tingting He, Rong Huang, Paul Marmora, Michael R. Matheis, Stephan Unger, Jeff Wiebe; Lecturers: Renee Crawford, Michael S. DeLucia, Duncan LaBay.
The Department of Economics and Business offers six majors: Accounting, Business, Economics, Finance, International Business and Marketing. The majors are designed to prepare students for work in the business world or for graduate study in economics or business.
In addition, the College offers two combined majors: Computer Science with Business , and Mathematics with Economics . For details, see the descriptions under the Computer Science or Mathematics departments.
All of the majors are encouraged to do internships and International Business majors are especially encouraged to study abroad.
Double majors within the department and across departments are allowed, except for International Business with Business. No more than 5 courses can double count toward both majors.
The department also offers minors in Accounting and Economics. Both require 5 courses (see below).
Please note that some classes in Economics and Business require that students have access to a computer during class time. This requirement can be found in the individual course description, below. In some cases, students will be expected to bring a laptop to these classes.
Return to: Programs by Area: Majors and Minors