Feb 10, 2025  
2014-2015 Catalogue 
2014-2015 Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Support Services


Academic Advisement

The central function of the Office of Academic Advisement is to help students define and achieve their education goals; whether those goals are as simple as choosing the correct elective courses during pre-registration or as complex as selecting and applying to graduate schools.

The Office of Academic Advisement, in collaboration with the faculty of the academic departments, provides multi-faceted individual and group advising services and activities. Students with a declared major are assigned a faculty member from their major department; undeclared students are assigned a faculty member from the “Undeclared Advising Team.” Through their commitment to the individual student, faculty advisors seek to accomplish two fundamental goals: help each student develop meaningful relationships within the academic community, and help foster the academic and personal development of each student.

In this developmental advising process, advisors assist students in the evaluation of their educational progress, helping them focus on the selection of an educational program consistent with their interests, skills, and life goals.

Although the responsibility for fulfilling both the general academic requirements of the College and the specific requirements of departmental majors rests exclusively with each student, advisors are available to provide information regarding policies, procedures, requirements, and educational options.

Each semester the Office of Academic Advisement offers a variety of services including workshops on graduate and law school. Individual appointments with the Dean of Freshmen / Director of Academic Advisement are available for students to discuss major selection, graduate school planning and the application process, personal statement review, and other academic related issues.

Academic Resource Center (ARC)

The Academic Resource Center offers students assistance in developing or refining the academic skills that lead to college success. The Center’s professional and student staff provide services such as academic counseling, learning skills instruction, writing support, and peer tutoring. The ARC also serves as a computer center with 20 workstations and wireless Internet connectivity for laptop computers. The Center is equipped with large tables for small group study and for peer tutoring. The adjacent classroom is available for review sessions, workshops, seminars, individual tutoring sessions and small group presentations.

College Achievement Program (CAP) - An 8-week program to help first-year students develop skills and strategies essential for academic success. Based on Stephen R. Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Successful College Students, CAP includes lessons in the following: goal setting and self-management, proactive behaviors and leadership skills, organization and time management, reading and note taking, concentration and memory, critical thinking and test preparation, balanced living, and strategies for personal achievement. The aim of this non-credit program is to assist students in making a successful transition from high school to college. The program is tailored to the first year curriculum. Through weekly 75 minute sessions, CAP provides the opportunity for students to develop the strategies and strengthen the skills essential for college success. Many successful students have attributed their success in college to this program.

The Writing Assistance Program - The goal of the Writing Assistance Program is to support students as they strive to become more effective writers. Writing assistants do not evaluate or correct essays. Rather, they assist students at various stages of the writing process from brainstorming to proofreading. They will discuss essay topics, review drafts, and encourage students to revise their work. Writing assistants work with students to help them develop composing and revising strategies applicable to all writing assignments.

The Peer Tutor Program - The Peer Tutor Program is designed to provide all Saint Anselm College students quality academic assistance free of charge. Peer Tutors offer individual and small group tutoring in most courses. This program supplements the assistance provided by faculty members. Peer Tutors are Saint Anselm sophomores, juniors and seniors employed by the Academic Resource Center. All Peer Tutors have been recommended by faculty and have participated in ongoing staff development workshops.Currently, over 50 students tutor across the curriculum. With over 1,500 tutoring sessions held each year, the Peer Tutor Program has become a vital academic support service at Saint Anselm College.

Services for Students with Disabilities - The ARC arranges for academic accommodations for students with disabilities. Students with appropriately documented disabilities who are enrolled at Saint Anselm College may be eligible for reasonable accommodations. Academic accommodations at Saint Anselm College may include extended time for exams, a distraction-reduced environment, help with note-taking, special seating arrangements, and the use of tape recorders in class. It is the student’s responsibility to contact and submit documentation of a disability to the ARC. Students should allow three weeks for the evaluation and decision on the documentation submitted.